Push-Up Challenge: Building Strength with Daily Progress

Workout complete. Um,
now I’m going to do a push up challenge,
and I want you to do this with me
because it’s gonna be an ongoing challenge, right?
We’re gonna do it every single day.
What you’re gonna do is start by doing as many push UPS as you can
at a difficulty. Seven.
Okay, so seven out of 10 difficulty.
And then every day, we’re going to add one more push up onto that.
We’re gonna see how many days in a row we can get.
And hopefully after 100 days,
we’re gonna be doing over 100 push UPS.
So day one, let’s see how many we got.
The thing with me is
I have a hard time not pushing myself till failure.
So I’m gonna really try to be honest with myself
at a 7 out of 10 effort. Okay,
so we’re gonna start here.
We’re gonna do. It’s gonna be up on your toes push UPS,
no knee push UPS. Okay,
so we’re gonna do it. Let’s go.
2, 3.
Okay, I’m starting with 22.
I don’t know about you,
but I’m feeling 22