Family Tales from the Oregon Funtime Farm Ranch: Squirrels, Cousins, and Memory Mining

Does the filter see the elephant space? Come on. It’s discrimination. Hey, guys. Original hot mess here. I have a story time for you. Squirrels, cousins and memory mining at the Oregon Funtime Farm Ranch.

First, if you proceed with watching this video, you have to understand, no, Anna, nobody was hurt. Actually, that’s true. Whole thing could be made up. My mom calls it creative control. She’s smart. I really hope that you guys had a chance to do this as a child, get together with your cousins that were close to you in age. You never had to be part of the same freaking socially awkward circles. So we got to cross over and just be cousins.

It’s that time of life where the blood is thicker than water. Theory really still like has a grasp on your soul and it’s just still virtuous to you. Clark Griswold, family, vacation style. Yeah, we’re gonna go swimming and we’re gonna be happy about it, that kind of . my mother is a saint and a superhero at every time.

Did the children, and I mean my two children, my brother’s children, there’s four of them total. I have two others. Seriously, I don’t know how my mom does it. It’s the screaming. I think my mom, I’d literally went towards and I was like, how can you do this? When are you gonna call the cops?

And she’s like, it’s happy sound. No one sounds happy. Nobody does. But the beginning of like Nana Camp, you always have that crossover period.

You know, you guys experience this if you got to do it when you were little, where you meet your cousin for the first time in like half a year since Thanksgiving. And the mini van pull up next to each other and you guys get out and you guys like make eye contact for the first time in half a year. And it’s 10th. Okay. Yeah, we’re cool.

You’re not like mad. How did you get into trouble? Yeah, I’m sorry. I did you? I got grounded. No, my mom took my Walkman away. So totally sucks. I’m sorry.

I got waterwise. Do you wanna? Whatever. I have a clown mask. It’s stepbrothers. Did we just become best friends moment? Things are happening and growing up. It’s so fun for grandmas.

I don’t know like what three letter agency. My mom Learned how to deal with this particular sub level area 51 type crazy, but she Learned it well. A+++ Ma, the rules are just different and I can’t for getting a little crossover, a messy, if you know what I mean, as far as parenting rolls and nano roles and rules, just like basic level rules like you cannot steal candy from your cousin’s bag, don’t throw water balloons inside the car, don’t point to add things with ice. And so yesterday evening, all four children burst into my little wagon resembling tiny house and walking with this proud ambiance about them, a true Mark. I goes, my nephew, my son, my daughter, she’s 8 and the eldest cousin and she’s almost 12.

The procession ends with a Sharpie and a piece of white paper that says rip. And I’m like, what’s going on, guys? And my son is just life. I gotta scroll, mom. Why?

Well, Nana told us too, because they’re all over the duck food and the ducks, it’s mommats. That’s expensive food. Yeah, I know. And so she told us to. So that one a dead. Okay. Okay. It’s a live.

No, I can’t. Okay. Well, then what’d you do with it? Okay. Yeah, Auntie.

And then after we dug the hole, Nana was like, no, don’t worry about the hole. Look, just throw, toss it. What is neon say to do with the dead squirrel? It’s dead, right? It is. Okay. So you tossed it into the woods? For the critters.

Okay, buddy. Yeah, I believe you. Did you shoot a head or it’s not wounded? It is dead, right? Yeah, Auntie, it’s dead. That’s why we have this sign. Mom, we’re making a cemetery sign for its whole. After you throw it in the woods for the critters.

Yes, Auntie. And we prayed. Alright, we’re back to like basic rules. Oh, my gosh. I love my mom.

Good job budding the squirrel, you know, and all this is going through my mind and I’m like, whose idea was it to get people? That’s cool and stuff. Oh, man. Conflict on the internal side of things. the screaming, you know, all of the one on one cousin violence. We’re memory mining.

Just trauma today, just deadly death trauma. And I’m thinking this whole time, I’m like, my son could not even play Red Dead Redemption without having bad dreams. I exercise demons with that boy in prayer. He did not squirrel twice to kill. I mean, like this is not, my kid did not do that. So it’s just like a, you know, not an accept and I sign the rip sign for the squirrel.

Was the conflict all around for the parents, by the way, sorry, buddy bro. We solved it by. They’re not in season. Let’s just say that in our region, my son wounded the squirrel. I mean, he hit it. It did not die immediately. His cousin took the care of it.

I’m gonna have to give my brother’s kid props on that. Same age. Okay. He stepped up. The girls are over here just spending the men’s money buying headstones. And my mom is just. Come right. Did you get one, mom?

Did you okay? Like all of this, you know. Yeah, they were eating the duck food.