Taiwanese Food Adventure: Beef Noodle Soup, Golden Kimchi, Spicy Dumplings, Shrimp Dumplings, and More

I got some food here in Taiwan,
so let me show you what all I got.
First thing I got is beef noodle soup.
This is like the broth with the meat,
and then they give you the noodles on the side,
I guess, to not, like,
overcook it. Um,
but I’ve been excited to try this
because it’s really popular in Taiwan.
And then we got. I’m excited for this.
It’s golden kimchi, I think that’s what it’s called.
It. Like,
it’s supposed to be a bit more spicy. Um,
but it looks good and it smells good.
Next I got the pan fried spicy dumplings.
I forget what’s in these.
They look good, look very crispy.
Some shrimp dumplings as well.
And I also got. I think this is garlic sauce.
I think I wanna try one of these real quick.
I made the rest of this in the ASMR section, so do check that out.