Exciting Changes and Updates in the Upcoming Season of the Game

Everything that’s coming in the new season.
Starting off, we have the new operator.
You can play as two different robots.
You have a new AR. And with these two different robots,
you can only play one at a time.
You can teleport in between them.
It’s gonna be really good for roaming and then returning back to site.
They each have their own separate health.
They also have impacts. They could be countered by IQ,
Brava and an explosive. Overall,
one of the best rumors in the game.
Moving on to Solace. Solace got nerfed again,
except now with this, when you’re looking around with your scanner,
you can’t even see what you’re looking at.
You have to then use this new feature called overclock,
which is just the old feature when you used to be able to scan people,
which, by the way,
you can only do that twice a round,
and you have to wait to get it.
And then when you do scan that person,
to figure out what you’re looking at,
it will also let the person know that they are being scanned by solace.
So solace is not good. Solace is terrible now,
even more terrible than she was.
As for Doka be, you do not start off with your phone calls.
They are at zero. It takes 45 seconds for the first one to come in,
and another 45 seconds for the next one to come in.
That’s it. She’s still very good.
Though as for knock,
your ability will not drain if you are just walking around.
If you start sprinting, shooting,
or doing any kind of action,
that’s when it will start to drain.
You can basically have unlimited of your ability
if you’re just trying to sneak around and not sprint around and shoot
stuff like that. We have drone boosting now
where you can soar around the map three times per round
with your drones. You can go faster with it like NAS on the drone.
This also includes Echo drones as well as Mazzi drones that get hacked.
You are now able to go into the shooting range
while you are queuing for a game.
So once you queue it’ll be like do you wanna go to the shooting range?
You go to the shooting range
and you can warm up until you get into a game.
Top of that we also have the Siege Cup that will be coming to PC first
and it’ll be N A and E U and it’ll be once every two weeks.
It has its own currency, it has its own packs,
there’s different tiers. So that way if you’re like a gold,
you can still play in it. You’re not gonna verse champs.
That will only be on PC for this season,
then it will come to console next season.
Then we have the Defender AI playlist.
So just like the Attacker AI playlist except you’re on defense.
The attackers will Drone you,
you know, blow up in the wall, everything.
Very good playlist. What are you guys most excited for next season?
Comment down below, but I’ll see y’all.
Much love. Peace.