Summer Glow Get Ready With Me: Stressed but Driven, Small Business Love, and TV Show Obsessions

Let’s do a little get ready with me. I have free beverages, so I’m gonna go over here. I feel like I haven’t done any rid of me in like quite a little while. I’m also trying to sit at my desk so it’s not bright enough. Hopefully this is bright enough to do the trick cuz I don’t really have the other options, a good stand, but I’m far too tired for that. And anyway, lots been going on. We just got home from vacation like couple days ago and I feel like as soon as we got home, life just like went straight back to normal.

And that really kind of can stress me out cuz I’m like somebody who gets stressed style of like a lot of things on the social calendar. Even though I am a social girl, I really like that stuff, but it stresses me out. So yeah, I can get like anxiety about that. And I’m also trying to, some of you guys know, like I’m trying to start to sell my art and stuff soon and like getting all of that together. There have been some bumps in the road. So that’s been stressful. But I also am extremely like, what’s the word I’m looking for? I’m really driven towards it cuz I care about that a lot. Like with that kind of stuff, I can kind of become like a workaholic. And that’s all that I like think about. But it’s because I’m really passionate about it, which is really good. I wouldn’t want to not be passionate about it. I’m gonna turn this lamp on. Gosh, your skin so clear. It’s how they bring it over here. Anyway, yeah, so I’m like a little bit stressed.

Did I do this side of my face? I’m gonna. I don’t think I did. I’ve been doing this recently where I use the tanning water from salty base, which is one of the only bronzing things that doesn’t break me out. I was using, I like the older tanning or not tanning with it, tan oil thing that you put on your face. I like that. I do think it gives me some texture on my skin. So this, I’m using this instead. And I like the little brush. I just do two sprays and then I just like put it on like I would really lightly for bronzer. I’m like, I might do right here and down here and I just like buff it out a lot and it’s very natural. It’s a very natural look. I’m already kind of tan, so I’m not as worried about it. If I was doing this when I was pale, I’d probably be a little bit more careful with it. But yeah, I really forget what I was talking about.

Anyway, today I’m giving a video with some new dresses that I just got from a brand that I’ve really been liking and been working with them and they’ve been so nice. And so I’m really excited to share those. Like I got them in the other day and I was like, you know, I had to immediately do a haul for Seth, not for TikTok, but I really had to be like, look at all these dresses when I’m talking and doing get ready with me. I don’t know how people do this. Yeah, I forgot.

I literally have to do concealer. I never do my brows before I do my concealer. But here we are. I always get distracted when I’m trying to talk and do this at the same time. Do you guys think I should turn this away? Fine.

I mean, I look at orange, but it’s brighter. So we’re gonna go with that. I feel like summertime is really fun and always in this spring I get really excited and I play in a lot of things cuz Summer’s my favorite time of year and I love the heat and I love the sun and I love pool parties and I love the beach and I love the lake and I love it all. So I get really excited and then I plan a lot of things and then about mid June, end of June right now, I start to get this like weird tired, I’m overwhelmed. Like it’s been fun, but maybe I should hibernate for a month feeling, which is so weird because I love summer, but I just I think that I love it so much that I do like I do with it like I do with everything else in life where I like hyper fixate and like burn myself out. So I’m trying to be chill and enjoy summer and not go too crazy.

One thing about me is I’m a girly girl, but I love a SCI by TV show. I’m not like as into dramas as I feel like a lot of my friends are. I really like them. But the shows that I stay up to watch, I just finish Dark Matter on Apple TV. And guys, hell of a show. Really good. I’m not like, I don’t know, I have a very high standard for a show. It has to like really keep me engaged. Like I said, I can’t just watch a funny show or a dream drama. It has to be like a mystery. There has to be an element to which I’m like staying up all night, like what is going on? Or like, oh my gosh. So anyway, that movie passed that test of flying colors for me. I mean, TV show. I forgot my vitamin C serum too.

This is what happens when I do my makeup. I’m gonna do my freckles now. This is also salty face. I talk about this in my video of like things I do, natural beauty, things that I do that are like products that enhance my natural beauty. Does this cow, I don’t know, could it’s not, but it’s more permanent or it’s not quite makeup. So I don’t know.

Anyway, I wanna start doing Small Business Sunday because I do have like quite a few small businesses. I think like being a nano Michael influencer, I don’t really know a lot of smaller businesses reach out, which is really fun cuz I feel like I get to have a more of a relationship with them. And like, anyway, there are at least three or four right now that I just love and they’re like woman owned and everything and I will speak their praises forever. I don’t want it to just be like, here’s all the stuff so much gave me necessarily. Because I don’t know, that’s very helpful. But I wanna do like my favorite small businesses and this is what I get from them. And this is why I like them. Like truly explain that because I’m about to be a small business. Like small businesses are hard to run. Okay, this is a new development.

My life, I’ve been doing some lip liner. Lips have always been that thing that I was like, oh, I can’t do that cuz I don’t have very big lips. I was always like, well, I can’t really do it. Oh, it because children’s art. No, that’s like, so first price, it’s because I’m trying to film us in the morning and I don’t get morning light in my bedroom. I normally feel like 5 p. M. Okay, I just do that. This one is merit. Cuz merit is my bean. I feel like if they counted as a small business, I would talk about them every Sunday. I love Mary so much. It is not sponsored. I love them though. I spoke. Okay, so that is. And then I go into a little bit of this. And my favorite shade of their lip gloss is the Ledu. D max. And I feel like that lip liner is a really good gateway lip liner. Very subtle, matches my lips for you. I remember like seeing it being like, are we sure this is not a brow? Because that’s like brown. And I was scared, but I really like it. Like, who knew? So yeah, that is kind of it. I need to do this dress video. I’m really excited about it. I also need to do a 4th of July video. 4th of July, we are also gonna host a party. Most of that, the sound was really weird, but hopefully you guys will be able to look past that. Anyway, I wanna do a 4th of July party planning video where I go, I’ll probably gonna film out tomorrow because I’m scared that they’re gonna run out of 4th of July stuff. Like I was at Walmart the other day with Seth. He had to get something at Walmart to get his Blackstone, which we’re gonna use at our party. It’s gonna be a cookout. Anyway, I wanna do like a cute table and everything. And so I have to go like soon cuz they were already running out of stuff and I was like, it’s June 24 or whatever it is actually. Anyway, I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Look for my Small Business Sunday and my dress videos coming up. Very excited. And my vlog when I do my for the July party, eh, summer is just the greatest time of the year. Wow.