Unveiling Hidden Treasures: A Journey Through a 2 Dollar Coin Roll

Oh yes finding money in money
so this is a 2 dollar coin roll
and I’m gonna see if we can find more value in this roll
because some of these coins can be rare
and they can be worth a lot more to coin collectors ooh
the papers are coming off nice there but um yeah
coin value lists that I like to have next to me
so when I’m going through coins
I can quickly refer to a recent selling price range of coins um
and also some details right there so yeah
and also if you find some cool coins
you can put them in little um
capsules like this to keep them nice and protected
and yeah I’ve got a link through to some of these on my linktree
so you can pick those up there too
but get that aside um just move those to the side and yes
we have got this one right here
now I probably don’t really need to use the Damascus steel
but I’m gonna use it because I love it
my brother made it so thanks bro thanks.
Appreciate that Glenn.
Alright let’s check these ones out coins are released
any of the the coloured coins are worth holding
I hold on to them and um
there’s some low mintage dates as well just the standard issue coins
if it’s a special date
if it’s a date where they didn’t make many of them I hold on to them
As well.
Oh, here we go.
There’s one right there. So a 2,019,
uh, with the newer design of the Queen with the necklace on.
So a recent selling price range on these,
uh, $6 to $14
50 is a recent selling price range on that particular coin.
Checking these dates carefully.
Or 2,012. This could be a number of things.
It could be a red Poppy, very unlikely,
but could be, could be a gold Poppy,
um, medium likely
or it could be an Aboriginal elder coin,
most likely. So let’s check it out.
There we go. The original elder coin,
that’s the most likely option.
These can be still worth a fair bit.
So a recent selling price range on these,
$2 90 to $42 75.
So the upper end of that price range would be for one of these coins
in just about perfect condition.
But yes, still a little bit of value there. Cool.
1993, that’s a lower mintage, um,
date right there. So they only made 4.9 million.
So anything under 5 million mintage is considered rare.
Between 5 and 10 million mintage is considered scarce.
So this one here at 4.9 million mintage,
I’m looking on the list, $2 90 to $24.
1988, pretty bit, um, best,
um, bumped.
Oh, I don’t know what I’m trying to say,
but they made a lot of the 1988 coins,
the first year of production.
Think about 161 million.
2020. 2020.
I just checked the list just to make sure.
No, no.
Not on the list, so it must be a high mintage coin.
Few coins to go. Let’s,
oh, this one has been damaged by something in circulation,
maybe caught up in a machine or something like that.
Bit of a partial double rim on this coin here.
It’s, it’s relatively common on the two dollar coin,
so not a lot of collectors for that type of thing.
Alright, so there you go.
From that roll right there,
we found a 2,019.
There’s another couple of coins sitting beside it yet.
1993. And what’s this one right here?
Ah, 2,012.
So three keepers from that roll. Nice.