Dining Delights: A Picky Eater’s Journey Through a Five-Course Meal

Come with me to a five course meal.
As a picky eater, I’m a chicken tender and fries kind of girl.
You know, that kind of picky eater.
Look at how absolutely beautiful this restaurant is in this table
scape. The recipe always has the best tables.
They’re stunning. Okay,
so here’s the menu. As you can see,
there’s a little, quite a bit of seafood on there,
which I do not eat.
We started with this peach and tomato salad with creme fresh and a hot,
fresh roll. Delicious.
I ate all of it. Each dish also came with a glass of wine.
Then we were served crab and rice.
Now, I don’t eat the seafood,
so they did give me a vegetarian version,
which was vegetables and rice,
and it was delicious. It had so,
so much flavor. And as a picky eater,
I could eat rice every day.
And I loved how that wine correlated with each dish.
Then came the trout. I did not eat the trout.
There was not an alternative for the trout.
Um, but it looks really pretty and everybody else seemed to love it.
Then we would serve some red wine and a ribeye steak.
Now, don’t hate me,
but I like my steak medium well
and they were able to accommodate that.
And this was absolutely delicious.
It had a really smoky, almost bacon e flavour,
and even at the medium well temperature,
I felt it was still juicy and not Too tough.
That was probably my favourite dish.
And lastly,
we were served a dessert wine with an incredible blackberry sorbet.
So overall, this was a really successful dinner.
The food was amazing. Hey!