Reflections on Forgiveness and Grace in Christianity

The parable, son
gets me wrecked. Yeah.
Because I think a lot of people kinda go, nah,
I messed up way too much. Because in their mind they go,
I could never forgive a man for what I did.
How many times can I betray him?
I think the most beautiful thing that was written in the Bible
was the last thing Jesus said. Hmm.
Forgive them, for they don’t know.
And to me, it’s like, wow,
if I look back at all the times I’m stupid,
it’s literally because I just.
I have no wisdom to weigh out the pros and cons and something.
And when I read Proverbs and they’re describing wisdom as this woman,
and I’m like, man,
like, we as Christians,
we punch down on other people
that are not where we think they should be.
Yeah. Which is hilarious,
because I imagine if god had that energy with us,
like, some comment sections would be zapped.
It would be gone. Like,
some Christian comment sections,
I’m like, you guys are being like, this, bro,
you should know. It’s insane,
you know? And I think that’s the one thing about, like,
when you learn God’s love and you learn that, like,
they don’t know, it helps you have so much less anger and, like,
harshness towards other people.
Because now when I see anything,
I’m like, he literally doesn’t know.
She literally doesn’t know.