Navigating the Dating Game: Establishing Boundaries and Avoiding Freebies

If you don’t want to get used by women for free attention,
free dates, free drinks,
soak this game up. As a man,
you have to have a rule, right?
Me personally, I have a three date rule for a woman that I’m dating.
If I haven’t cracked or if we ain’t at least passionate
hugging and kissing by the second or third date,
i’mma cut my fucking losses.
Women will literally allow you to take them out
date after date after date after date
to use you for free attention,
free dates and free drinks.
It’s a bunch of hungry, broke bitches out here.
And if you wanna avoid them,
you have to have a standard for yourself as a man.
Because if you don’t and you just go with the flow, your.
Your ass gonna flow into eight or nine dates without you.
You even getting a fucking kiss, bro.
And you also gotta think about the fact that if you ain’t cracking,
somebody else is.
So you take her out to the movies for dinner and drinks,
you fill her belly up, you get her nice and tipsy on your dime
just so she can go home and tell you good night.
So she can text another guy.
The door is unlocked. Wake up, bro. Haha