Title: Navigating the Startup World: How I Took the Digital Pathway to Internships

I want to work for startups and in digital.
So what happened is in third year,
while all of my classmates,
uh, they,
they, they, they,
they doing internships, planning to work in civil companies.
What I did is I applied for internships in digital,
uh, marketing companies, right?
So what I wanted to do is I knew,
I knew that digital doesn’t pay as much
and I didn’t want to get left behind
or for my parents to complain that I’m earning less money than my,
my former classmates. So,
so what I did is before two years before what I started doing, I,
I started doing my internship.
Uh, the first internship I did was unpaid, right?
Okay. But it was unpaid,
but it allowed me to, because,
you know, if you,
if you still a student, you can still enter the market,
but you don’t have much to offer. Um,
uh, so I use my blog as in my application to show them, okay,
I’m interested in this. I already know what to do.
Thank you. That’s how I got my first internship.