Independence Is Key: Why You Should Never Depend on Others for Everything

hey friend
I’m just here to tell you to never allow anybody to do everything for you
don’t ever allow that
I don’t care if it’s somebody that you’re in a relationship with
a family member a trusted individual
you never let anybody do everything for you
that is the quickest way to burn a relationship completely out
people feel entitled
people feel like they need to know what you got going on at all times
because they’re sponsoring you most of the time
but if you really care about the relationship
you should never want them to do everything for you never
they’ll always be able to say that they did
you know it’s a beauty in having your own that you got by yourself
I don’t give a f**k how long it takes you to get it
and remember in the moment
it always sounds all good and great
it’s the long run that’s where 💩 get shaky at
that’s how resentment builds up and the want to control
and you don’t need nobody controlling you