Discovering the Heart of Jesus: Moving from Religion to Relationship

Fear is that there are many of you that are just like me.
That I was going to church,
but he was not first. We were not in a relationship.
He was not my Lord. He’s just some guy the guy up there talked about.
I’m afraid that some of you are missing him by about this much.
18 inches.
You know about him in your head,
but you don’t know him in your heart.
Because he didn’t just come to make you religious.
He came to have a relationship with you.
He didn’t come to get you to join a church.
He came to set you free. He.
He didn’t come to make you follow a bunch of rules.
He came to give you life and life to the full.
His name is Jesus. His name is above every name.
He is king. He is savior.
He’s Redeemer. He is Lord.
He’s the. The Lamb of god,
and he’s the lion of the tribe of Judah.
He’s coming back one day, and he wants to know you.
He wants you to know him.