Sunscreen Reviews: A Personal Rating Guide

These are the sunscreens that I’ve tried this year. And what I think about them, and I’m gonna rate them out of 5. I’ve just, how I like them as a person, my personal opinion.

So this is the first one, the Vacation Chardonay oil. It’s an oil base. So it’s very much like giving like mineral oil, like tanning, but it is SPF of 30. I don’t like the scent of this. I think the scent of this is kind of, it’s just not for me.

So this one I didn’t really like and it was really oily. And for some reason, the Chardonnay oil or something in this product didn’t soak in my skin in a nice way. So I just like really felt like I was slick like the bottle, the set. Okay, so these are the two that I tried on my honeymoon and I bought them when I was in the place that I went on my honeymoon. And the first one I bought for my husband.

And I actually love this. I was thought it’s so good. And I ended up using it. And this model is almost empty. So this is, I love this stuff. This is the Australian gold.

It’s so the thing about this one is it is SPF of 30. It’s a water spray gel. I’m gonna put it on my hand right now. It’s it is like white, but it soaks in so fast.

There is literally like almost no white cast to this. And I do wanna have like somebody try this that is like a darker skin tone because I don’t know if it would white cast on somebody like that. But I’ve used a lot of sunscreens and the way this soap in so fast, it was like, it was so nice. It felt so good on the skin. It has, and it does have aloe in it.

It’s like first ingredient that’s inactive is water and then the second is aloe leaf juice and then it’s glycerin. So it’s very moisturizing. This is like so good for dry skin, so good for people that do not wanna like rub it in. So I love this. I actually literally love this.

This is amazing. This one I tried for myself. Cuz I was like, do not come for me on this app, but I wanted to like be a tanning girl for one week out of my life. I would take the consequences of that. And so I wanted to get like a brownie, like, you know, like one of those tanning creams.

This is like, I hope this doesn’t buy me in the bed that I’m telling everyone this, but I wanted the one that had a broad spectrum SPF in it at like a little bit. And this one had zinc oxide. It’s 7% zinc oxide. So it’s a 5, but it’s zinc oxide and that does protect page. Look at this.

I’m just gonna show you right now. It has, I don’t know what it is in it that just really allows it to never, ever soak in, ever to actually become wider as you rub it. But this is a nightmare that I do not wish on anybody. And I don’t know what is this product that makes it not so good.

I’m thinking it’s these wax, but it is just not. It’s such cute packaging. I love it. But like, I really tried my best to like not care about the fact that I looked like a ghost, but I could not handle that level of cosplaying.

A cloud, a white cloud in the sky at the beach. So that one is a zero. Oh, my god. I’ve got to rate these. This is a 0 out of 5. This one is a 2 out of 5.

This one I would say is a 5 out of 5. This one, I got this for myself cuz I love a little shimmer moment and I really wanted to like this one. It’s like a rose gold. It’s a body glow. It has an SPF of 45.

This guy has a lot of different ingredients in it that protect your skin. And I wouldn’t have bought it if I knew that it had like a bell benzene in it has a lot of like non reef safe sun protectance, which I mean, I guess if you’re not going in the water, I don’t know how that works. But the thing that I don’t like about it is just the fact that it like, it doesn’t smell that great in my personal opinion. And I like warm, like cormage sweet sense. It smells okay.

It kind of smells like cheap sunscreen, which is like cute and it’s like slightly glittery, but it’s more so just oily. It’s just kind of oily. And I’m like, I don’t know, oily is whatever. And then so I’m gonna say this one is like a 3 out of 5. I don’t know how to pronounce this brand, so I’m not even gonna say it.

This one is really nice, but it’s really expensive. But it’s ex. It’s like expensive for a reason. I’m obsessed with it, but it’s really expensive. So I’m like, I’d recommend it, but also like, I don’t know who’s gonna spend a lot of money on sunscreen, but it’s the Shiseido, Shishido, Shiseido SPF.

It’s really nice. Oh my God, it’s so nice. It has like, it’s so pretty. You ready? Oh my God. I’m doing this with the wrong hand, but it just soaks into the skin in an instant. It’s not at all, you don’t have to worry about a white cast.

And it makes this glow to the skin that I’m like obsessed with. And like it’s just, it feels really good on the skin. It doesn’t have a smell to it. It has a very faint Shiseido smell. You know that Shiseido smell? Or it’s like a fancy product smell.

It smells like any type of like thing that they would sell at Nordstroms, like all of the Dior and East Saint Laurent have like a similar cosmetic smell. It’s that smell, but it’s super faint, but it smells like very rich grandmother.

And I love it cuz it’s faint and it’s just really pretty on the skin. So those are, these are the ones I would say four out of five cuz it’s really expensive. It’s really pretty. This one’s like, I think this one’s like, I don’t know, $50, something like that. And then this one is like $20.

And this one, right? And then this guy, we, it’s embarrassing that I even bought him zero. And then this guy, I don’t know. Sorry.