Study Smarter, Not Harder: Ace Your Exams with Effortless Techniques

With back to school around the corner,
here’s how you are going to ace all of your exams with minimal effort.
Hi, I’m Avery.
I’m not a genius, but I know how to study.
During the summer I took a socials class
which I ended up getting a 98 in
because I literally use this technique.
People do not utilize study guides enough.
You don’t have to scour the internet for one
that is half related to what you are learning.
Your teacher doesn’t provide one.
It is so easy to make one for yourself
and it saves you so much time
because you’re not wasting any on stuff you already know.
The first thing you’re gonna do is gather all of your exam material,
your textbook booklet, slides,
notes, anything.
Then you’re gonna grab a notebook or a sheet of paper
and write down every topic
and don’t aimlessly list the things you have to know for the test.
Actually make sure you have a topic,
a sub topic, etcetera and make sure it’s nice and organized.
what you’re doing is just creating a bunch of headings with no body.
Then you’re gonna grab these trusty highlighters that you know I love.
Your first colour is gonna be for stuff you already know
or that you definitely know.
Your second colour is gonna be for anything you don’t recognise
or don’t remember anything about.
For your first highlight colour,
when I say you know something,
I mean you Know it. If you were tested on that subject right now,
you would get 100. After all this highlighting is done,
you are going to gather your material again
and go through anything that was in your second highlight color.
After you have gone through everything,
taking notes, studied and make sure you know your stuff,
you are basically going to go through rounds
and rehighlight everything
until it is your first color.
Once all this highlighting is done,
I like to go through every single topic
and think of one or two buzzwords
that just remind myself what it is about.
You don’t have to go over any of your first color
that you previously highlighted until like
before the test.
But this is how you save a lot of time when you’re studying
because you’re not going over stuff you already know.
That helped and good luck in September. Bye.