A Day in the Life Vlog: Writing a Novel, Shopping, and Making Curry

Morning guys. It’s Sunday morning.
Pretty ordinary day for me
and so I thought I’d vlog it for you.
You can probably hear the laundry behind.
I put that on earlier. I’ve been up about three hours.
Oh, I made some of these earlier,
but it doesn’t have cupcakes.
Very nice. Oh yeah.
I said I was gonna do, um,
a 29 day novel. I was gonna write a novel in 29 days.
Well, we’re seven days in and you can see this here.
It’s going really well. It’s about a werewolf.
A couple of English couple that goes to Spain.
So I’ve been working on as well.
There’s a new YouTube channel.
All the kids say the funniest things on there.
And there’s stuff I do for YouTube there.
It’s doing really well and so I’m pleased.
But I’m just looking at the stats and stuff like that.
There’s Dave. Can you see? There he is.
Hey, babe.
Yeah? You ain’t doing great.
His. His cheeks are puffed up.
You wanna go to the park? Yeah, I’ll carry you.
Alright guys, this is what I’m wearing.
Here you go. Let’s go shopping.
This is a bit like. Oh shit.
I’m just heading this way to a place called Devonshire Place.
It’s a really cool little area.
I’m gonna show it to you. I’m gonna do some shopping there,
see what they got today.
Alright guys, this is Devonshire Road.
That over there is Napoli on the road.
And that Is the best pizza you can get outside of Italy.
And this is the best ice cream.
I came here the other night,
and the ice cream was amazing.
This is Dave’s Pet Shop.
Thank you. It’s nice to see you.
I’m gonna make a curry with those prawns that I bought.
There’s a prawn curry I made.
I’m gonna eat this and then edit this TikTok and get it out. Here we go.