Reflections on Making History: A Message of Gratitude from Drew

Hey, guys,
it’s drew here, and we’ve officially did it.
We’ve officially made history.
We are the first artist to ever
independently get their first number one song,
and I just can’t believe it.
I’ve been sitting over here on just this picnic table
and just crying a little bit.
Shed some tears
just thinking about the journey of how long it’s taken to get here.
We’ve been in Nashville for 13 years,
and I felt like everybody was kind of giving up on what we were doing,
which is fine, you know?
Um, but the whole community,
country radio,
y’all rallied behind us.
And to think now we have the number one song in the whole country,
it’s unbelievable. And, um,
thank you to you guys, like,
for not giving up on me, for allowing me to chase this dream,
for sharing this song, calling your radio stations.
I’m forever thankful. I cannot believe that we’re here.
We’re playing tonight in Duquoin,
Illinois, which I just got a post.
12 years ago, I played on the main stage here as a guest.
And 12 years ago,
I was living in Nashville already for a year at that time.
And now here we are,
playing tonight and headlining the free stage outside,
and we have the No.. 1 song in the whole country.
I can’t believe it. Um,
but thank you guys for following me.
Thank you, country radio.
Hopefully we can do this again.
Everybody’s asking, what’s next?
We’re Gonna be having lots more new music.
Make sure you’re following us.
We’re gonna be teasing new songs, y’all.
This is so crazy.
And thank you for everybody that’s been texting me and reaching out.
It’s been hard to keep up with everything. And, um,
thank you for commenting.
We’re getting ready to go out on tour and tour on.
On a number one song, which is crazy.
So please get your tickets.
And, guys,
thank you from the bottom of my heart
for making this happen and supporting what I’m doing.
And I’m just gonna sit here.
I’m just gonna bask in it some more.
Of just really trying to take in
the number one song in the whole country.
Thank you, guys. Love y’all.