Confusion and Chaos: Navigating the Puzzles in This Game

Really wanna try to figure out how to beat this game.
But it doesn’t really make sense
because we’re meant to drop these items to land in Joy’s hand,
and then the ice has to land on the angry guy’s head.
But they’re all pulled from the same pins.
So the kgs are pulled from the same amount,
but we need different amounts of weight to be pulled on each one
so that the balls can jump up and get into the right place.
You know what I mean? If we just.
If we just pull them all at the same time.
It’s not gonna work cause I’ve got the both the same amount of speed.
I might have made little to no sense,
but I don’t care. I’m genuinely confused.
What are we meant to do? Like,
just pull them?
See that? Ice cubes close to landing on the head,
but the Joyce is nowhere near.
I don’t know. I don’t get it.
I’m not. I’m not understanding this to be honest.
Um, what if we pull that and then watch.
Do that
so you’re still nowhere near. What? Right.
Last try. I’m just gonna pull them all.
Let’s just do that. Oh!
Oh, wait.
Oh, I nearly got it.