Energy Drink Consumption and its Effects on Heart Health: Beware of the Dangers

yes that can happen
there’s actually been multiple reports of young people
who have no prior heart disease
now being diagnosed with heart failure
as well as H O fibrillation
and the common denominator between those cases
is that they were chronic drinking of energy drinks
often drinking more than three cans a day
and that is because for many
many years for two years plus
they were drinking and drinks daily
that is terrible because often times when you’re drinking so much
your nervous system activates
that is called a sympathetic nervous system
which drugs your heart rate
drugs your blood pressure
and over time that could lead to changes in your heart
causing you to have H O fibrillation as well as heart failure
it’s important to understand that energy drink
by itself is not dangerous if it’s in moderation
if you’re also controlling your heart rate and your blood pressure
but often times a lot of people are not doing that
so they are drinking energy drinks multiple cats a day
with heart rate tarp above 100
blood pressure that’s really high
and they end up getting H O
fibrillation which is an irregular
regular rhythm that can lead to strokes
but they could also be diagnosed with heart failure
and the scary part about that is that often times
they might not even have any symptoms until they become really severe
and they’re having shortness of breath
they’re having fluid in their legs
they can’t sleep laying flat
they need more than two pillows
all these signs could be hidden in plain sight
especially if you’re not monitoring your heart rate or your blood pressure
you are drinking more than two cans of energy drink a day
making sure you’re always monitoring your heart rate and your blood pressure
especially before you work out