Spiritual Blessings and Love: A Journey of Abundance and Partnership

Hey, everyone. What’s going on even there for you? Just got off work and decided spirited pillow updates. I know on my end of things, I just received a huge abundant and bless you. Thank you for all of our time together and making sure that we’re following our manifestation hours and main cycles and just moving on one another, creating a healthy and fixing space.

By me, she got a cram. I was like, do you see it? Yeah, the ore is giving this. The ore is giving. Alright, let’s see what’s going on. But yes, it is all love.

I love you guys is and I hope that we can continue this amazing journey together on 37 bucks because this is a safe space and you are all my spiritual rescues. A bird just go by confirmation but still live spirits hire realm ancestors, spirit guides and light beings of the universe.

Can we get some messages for the TikTok? Any messages for the Tikto? Like, no, any messages for this? Please show me your guidance. Thank you. Okay. You got some love coming in. Somebody wants to express something to you. Night of cups coming in first. Yes. And it’s coming real fast with the 8 of ones. Oh, haven’t flipped this over yet. Let’s see what we got. Thank you, sir. At the bottom of the deck and chest stairs. It’s your son. Insane. We got another cup seat.

The rush. I know you guys just saw that, the rush of emotions that just came through because the way that these cards landed on one another, this king of pentacles tourist energy is coming in so fast.

Torisburg, Capricorn, they’re coming in 8 days, 8 hours, 8 weeks. Real quick here. I’m seeing that they finally release their burdens, learn the lesson of their spiritual karma and are coming back around to grab what’s theirs, which is you, the slider cups. They may be actually coming in to offer you a financial blessing with love as well. Or that’s how they show love, like this person is going to reach you to the finer things in life and bless you. Cuz they only want one thing with you and that one thing is the blessing that they’re bringing forth, which is the ten of cups ultimate fulfillment. This these are like, wow, financial freedom, long term stability, long term term partnership.

Two birds just flew on this one stick, twig branch, and they’re just there together. You guys are gonna be flying high together and moving forward into a time I’ve just abundance and love. Let’s see what else. Yeah, you deserve this with the justice. Anything else to clarify this? Can we clarify who’s coming in with the king of pentacles offering the magic cups, which is coming in back ask the aid of wands to ultimately fulfill the 10 of cups.

Yes, a ton of wants. This person is releasing all of their baggage, all of the things that are weighing them down, not listening to anybody else’s perspectives but theirs. Butterflies can be very significant. Yeah, I’ve been seeing butterflies all day today. Anything else I just heard? Spread your wings. This person is finally gonna speak up for themselves. They could be shy, I suspect your wings and there’s bird that fly. I love how tapped in and connected I am. But I just heard like this person is no longer going to hide. They’re coming in to spread their wings and say what needs to be said. Wow, a lot of birds. Airsign Energy could be very relevant here. So Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. But I still need to know here any more messages for the TikTok Collective regarding this new update.

Thank you, sir. off. Thank you, spirit. Thank you. Spare anything else? Thank you, spirit. Alright, I’m not gonna take those last two because they like flew, but let me grab these. What did I tell you? What did I just say? This person is coming in with money, with a blessing. In your 3D world. With a blessing that’s gonna cause you two to explore the world I’m here in travel could be very significant. Or they’re going to be traveling too from CU. Maybe someone’s looking at you from the distance and they’re across the sea, across the ocean. Maybe this is an international love. I’m also picking up interracial couple or just partnership. That’s out of the norm. So this could be same sex relations as well. This person has an opportunity for you that they’re gonna present to you to make you both raise your hype, both raise your vibrations highly.

Thank you. This is love. This person wants to tell you like, I really do cherish you. I cherish the things that you put out. This person is also watching your content. If your content creator, they are your first subscriber, baby. They’re the first person looking at the top of their notification bar for anything that says your name, a match to it.

Crosswater watchers, we know who you are. Just now, we now this is like sent in from the divine. This is somebody sent in with a mission and they’re going to fulfill that mission. And that mission has to involve you. That mission involves a passionate beginning between the two, you exploring new ideas here, moving forward in light and love it.

Wow, I’m seeing that you both are gonna like work together too. Like this is gonna be like equal powerplay and passion at the same time. Anything else? Spirit? What’s at the bottom?

Oh, let’s post some channel messages. What’s we need that? And then the justice again, two Panocles to the two of ones. You both are gonna work together. This could be at work. You’re actually somebody at work is coming to you or you work with this person in the distance. Maybe you guys work in the same territory or region within the same industry. This is giving definitely giving like labor energy. You both decided that it was best to kind of keep what you were doing in the dark, kind of keep your focus on your career, kind of put all your time into work at this time, work on the final things here because they wanna build a team with you in order to essentially build a long term situation.

I’m saying like they really do want you to have their babies if you’re not married by the end of the summer, you will be. Let’s say that. Grab some channel messages here. Alright, spirit, let’s pull some channeled messages to clarify this situation. Anything I need to know? Alright, first card, believe it or not, I’m over it. So I feel like this person was dealing with a third party situation where they were dealing with somebody that they had to get. Wow, look how glowing this card is. This is like telling me right now from the divine, it’s done. Whatever they needed to handle, it’s done. So no need to worry anymore. Anything else, spirit, this person really said, you know what, this is my person. I don’t any distractions. The name Michael could be relevant. Archangel Michael here is to protect this connection between the two of you. This is like this person is finally taking the courage to speak up and they’re being guided by the divine to step forward in light and love, step forward in the right direction that they need to step into to approach you. Cuz it’s, it needs, you know, it’s like what needs to happen.

Argentinel is also here in love and relationships. They find, oh, I just heard Pillow Talk and Pillow Princess, but also like you are my piece. Like you provide home, you are my stability, you are my safe space, you provide peace to this person. Yeah, I’m wide open, drawn in Your Love, in Your Arms.

Evergreen, not too deep by India Shawn featuring black. This is a good song. You guys should listen to it. There are some messages in there for you. Anything else here? Five. 5. Big. Look how this card is glowing. Big. Radical changes are happening all around you. And this, the Angels are supporting this.

By this summer, this is given some 11 and na Grace could be important here. This is old school romance. Could be an earth sign. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn coming in. One more. You’re not needed anymore. What is in that regard to what is not needed in moments. So hold up. Rest was not needed anymore. They’re coming in. No longer need to rest here. It’s time to start a new journey. I did what I had to do in the background. Now let’s move forward. I love you, guy.