Title: Claymore Placement Guide: Avoiding Elimination & Ensuring Effectiveness

Have you ever placed a Claymore under a window?
A defender has jumped out and eliminated you,
and has left you wondering well,
why didn’t my Claymore go off?
I am here to tell you where you went wrong
and what you need to do to avoid this in the future.
And this video was inspired by Corross.
When placing a claymore under a window to try and prevent a jump out,
you need to always make sure you put it at a slight angle,
because if you don’t and you put it completely horizontally.
If a defender jumps out, they can either A.
Jump over the lasers of the Claymore,
or B. Their feet will land in the two like gaps in between each laser
and the Claymore still will not go off.
For Claymore to work, one of the lasers needs to be broken.
So if they land and their feet are in the gaps of the lasers,
the Claymore has no reason to go off as the laser hasn’t been broken.
You get eliminated, you get frustrated,
you think it’s a bug, but it’s just bad placement.
Boris made a much more detailed video about this on his channel,
so please do check that out.
And his video was prompted by a Reddit post
saying that claymores are broken.
And this prompted this video for me
as I have seen people in my comments recently saying oh
my claymores hasn’t gone off,
you’re just placing them wrong
Claymores are fine. They’re not bugs.
You just need to place them better.