Quick Piano Tutorial: Learn a Song in Seven Seconds

Seven years. More like seven seconds is all you need to learn this song.
All you do on the right hand is the same thing every time.
Start on B flat,
come down to a G F.
So just this.
And then it’s just D F three times.
Then put them together and repeat it.
The left hand is the hand you might need to practice a little bit more.
You’re gonna start with G,
B flat and D. This is a G minor chord.
Then just move this left finger down to F.
This is a B flat major second inversion.
Then you go down to E flat,
G and B flat, which is an E flat major chord.
Hit F,
back to G minor. Then you come up to B flat and F,
and then an E flat major second inversion.
So all together on the left is this.
Now slowly put them together like this.