Chipotle Chicken and Rice: A Flavorful Fridge-Cleaning Dinner

A month ago, I was making one of those clean out the fridge dinners.
I had not gone to the grocery store in a week.
I also didn’t want to cook at all,
but I happened to create one of my new favorite meals.
This is chipotle chicken and rice,
and I made it multiple times since and it’s so good.
So here’s how you make it.
You season the chicken thighs with your favorite chipotle,
blend and then sear. Then in the same pot,
saute onions, bell peppers,
blended chipotle peppers, and garlic.
Now I like to use two chipotle peppers,
but you can also kick it up.
Then I add rice and chicken stock,
add the chicken back
and pop in the oven for about 45 minutes and there you have it.
Recipe is on my site.