Ultimate Guide to Making Slime: Elmer’s Glue, Gillette Shaving Foam, and More!

Hey, it’s slime time here. Tomorrow is the last day at summer school. We get to play with slime. So time to make some fresh stuff for the kids.

We’re gonna start with Elmer’s School Glue, the best glue for making slime. That’s right. And what else is gonna go in the pool with the glue? We’ve got Gillette shaving foam. Don’t use gel.

And along with the glue and the Gillette, Stay Flow liquid starch. That’s our activator. Then what else can we throw in this pool of goodies for slime? How about some Crayola model magic? Yep, we’re gonna fluff it up with some play, make ourselves some of that butter slime.

And last but not least, we gotta get some cute charms for slime thrown in the mix. So are you ready? Here we go with some slime. First, Elmer’s Glue. Club, Club, Club, Club. Got some Elmer’s glue in the mix?

Next we have to decide what color do we want to make our slime. And I want to go with this lovely purple color from Crayola. It’s washable. So if you get it on you, it’ll come off you. That’s right. Here we go.

Get some purple into the mix then how about some gelette to fluff it up then? Incredible mixing tool of science. We’re gonna mix up the color, people, right? Mix up the color purple along with the shaving cream. Got the shaving cream going round and round and you get the glue mixed in.

You want to get it mixed up, kind of a marshmallow fluff consistency. And then you’re gonna add some of your activator. In my case, it’s the magical stay flow liquid stuff, right? Gotta get the lid off. Gotta do with one hand before I get it all messy. Okay. Throw a little bit of activator in there and then start mixing it all up.

And you’re gonna notice that glue and shaving foam, it just starts activating right away and starts turning into a slime. Yes, it does. Slime time actually goes pretty fast when you use good ingredients.

Elmer School Glue is the best glue for the job. Throwing in some Gillette shaving gel, Crayola color. Yeah, doing real good point. No, but wait, there’s more. It’s starting to look like a pretty good slime, but I haven’t put in the modern magic.

That’s a soft type of clay from Crayola model magic. I wanna fold that in there too. I think it’s time I get my ass their hand dirty and we’re just gonna start mixing this up and get some good sounds going blah blah.

Yeah, some people would say use more activator. You must use more activator. You got to get it done. I say no, you need to take your time and enjoy the slime. Take your time and enjoy the slime. You dad. Dude. Oh, so good. Such a nice slime. But as I’m trying to clean it off the table, it’s not cleaning it off the table yet, but I don’t wanna throw a lot more activator in there yet. Why? I don’t want to overactivate it.

When a Zoe reactivated, it’s harder to make bubbles with. And in elementary school, one of the things the kids enjoy doing most is making bubbles. So I don’t want to make it to where it’s too thin and won’t make bubbles. I can still feel the medal magic in there, trying to get it there, mix in, become part of the clay. Our sign. Now, let’s see, can I blow a bubble? Woo. Got a bubble.

Now, as I work to clean off the rest of the table, I’d like to say if you enjoyed this little tutorial about how to use Elmer School glue, Gillette shaving gel, shaving cream, stay flow liquid starch, and Craola paint and model magic to make a nice line. Go ahead and hit the repost button, like it and share it. Or don’t you just have a wonderful day. Okay, time to blow some bubbles.

Oh, wait, there’s one more thing I said my kids wanted. So I’m gonna blow a bubble and I’m gonna give them the last thing they like. Oh, bubble. The kids love the charms. Can like a lucky Charms, you know, get some big old hearts in there, little sunshines, rainbows. They counted today and one of their slimes I made farm had 13 little charm. They got all excited because they got to count all the charms in their slime. And it was 13. Yes, it was. So that’s the quick lesson on how to make slime using Elmer’s Glue, stay full liquid Starch, Gillette and Creola products. You have a wonderful evening and enjoy.