Interview Discrimination: The Experience of a Job Applicant with a Disability

I did an interview with two young girls.
They were non judgmental at all.
I applied to work in, like,
the country club area with the food,
and I got a call that I got hired.
I came today for my paperwork,
and the lady that was supposed to do the original interview
pulled me aside
to tell me that they don’t think I’m gonna be a good fit
because I can’t use my full hands and feet.
But yet I walked in there,
she asked what accommodations I had over at the college,
and I told her that the only accommodation I had
was that I brought my own knife set.
I didn’t have accommodations.
I didn’t need accommodations.
I cook at home. And she’s like,
well, you’re gonna have to be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers
and doing fries. I’m like, okay.
And, well,
we just don’t think. We don’t know if you’re gonna be able to do that.
And I’m like, well,
I’m supposed to be training today.
Can I go see the area and how it’s set up?
Well, I don’t wanna set you up for failure.
And she’s like, well,
our supervisor saw you out there,
and he’s not really comfortable and doesn’t just.
I think it’s gonna be good.
Okay, so you saw me in the waiting area
and you don’t think it’ll be a good fit,
so you’re already discriminating.
And then she says, you know,
I didn’t do your interview.
That my Staff did your interview,
so I’ll have to let them know when they’re doing interviews next time.
Let them know what, then?
Not hire somebody that has a handicap?