Navigating Cash Flow Challenges: A Journey to Building a Healthier Business

Something happened to us about one and a/2 years ago
that really shook me to my core as a business owner,
as a founder, as an entrepreneur,
as a CEO. And that was that
we realised that we had absolutely no cash in the business.
We were not profitable. And it was a really scary place to be in
because we had hundreds of orders coming in every day,
but we had no cash, wanted to grow and grow and grow at any cost.
And when we realised that we had absolutely no money in the business,
we said to each other, me and my co founder,
which is also my husband,
that what if we were to just perfect the business on the inside
and forget about what it looks like on the outside?
And so we halted our revenue.
We didn’t, we aimed to like not grow.
We didn’t grow. Our revenue actually stayed the same.
But what was happening on the inside
was that we became more profitable.
And so on the outside, it looks like we’re not growing as a business,
but on the inside, we became super healthy.
We were actually able to retain cash
enough to actually invest in machinery and new product innovation.
But I really want to normalise is being able to say, hey,
we are going to slow down our revenue and our growth
so that we can become a healthier business.