Radical Honesty and Self-Discovery: A 15-year Journey of Open Communication in a Relationship

now we say to each other you know what
if you end up meeting somebody that you would just much rather build
build a life with than me
then I don’t wanna be the one to hold you back
we kind of laugh at that now
because we are now you know
15 years into this and that hasn’t happened yet
we give each other so much freedom and space to do the things we wanna do
I just kind of deal with it as things come up with the understanding that like
we we wanna be honest with each other and respect each other’s feelings
I don’t wanna hurt Stuart Justin
he doesn’t wanna hurt me we
we love each other
so we try to be reasonable and also considerate of what the other person wants
but it seems like it requires radical honesty though
oh it does
it does and
and both of us would say you know
we not only know each other better as a result
but we know ourselves a lot better
and more is the story of self discovery just as much as it is of everything else
because as I was opening the marriage
as I was you know
having to dig deep within myself to explain what I wanted to Stuart
I was also explaining what I wanted to myself and
and finding some information that I wouldn’t have known otherwise