Unraveling Taylor Swift’s I Can Do It with a Broken Heart Music Video: An In-Depth Look at the Potential Hidden Documentary

Is there more to the I can do it with a Broken Heart
music video than meets the eye?
There are so many rumors going around that this may
in fact be a trailer for a much larger documentary.
Behind the scenes documentary on everything that is the era’s tour.
We of course already have the era’s tour film,
which is a fully immersive experience
that is meant to feel as though you are 100% at the concert
watching it live.
Every moment of it plays out exactly as if you were at the concert,
but with a better than first row view.
Even before this documentary came out,
fans have been begging for a behind the scenes documentary.
They’ve had questions like
how does Taylor get from the front of the stage
to the back of the stage as fast as she does?
Answered here. What happens when she dives into the stage?
Answered here is she really in that cleaning cart?
And if so, just what’s in the cleaning cart with her?
And now with this ending to I can do it with a Broken Heart,
the title of the song I can do it with a Broken Heart,
copyright 2024 Taylor Swift
fans are wondering if this is
in fact a clue that this is going to be a larger documentary
and this is merely a trailer for that documentary.
People are citing the fact
that you can’t usually copyright the name of a song,
but you can Copyright the title of a movie
and that this may in fact be the title of the documentary.
Sort of mixing things that she’s done
with behind the scenes footage from past tours
like 1989 and reputation tour
with the emotional vulnerability that she had in Miss Americana.
Really digging into not only the mechanics of tour,
but also what it felt like to be doing this tour with a broken heart.
Balancing the joyful moments like this one
and all those great moments she has with her dancers
and her backup singers and her band
and of course, with her fans,
with the heartbreak and pain that she was going through at the time.
And the last piece of evidence that people have given for this
being a trailer versus an official music video
is that on her channel, this says Taylor Swift,
I can do it with a broken heart
official video and it does not say official music video
as the majority of her music videos say.
However, to that point,
I do want to point out that this is not the first time
that Taylor has taken a popular song from one of her album,
created a music video that is really just a tour video
that is meant to thank fans for supporting her on tour.
For the 1989 tour, we had New Romantics.
Notice it does not say official music video here,
all sources will call this the official music video of New Romantics.
Same thing with Sparks fly,
same thing with red, same thing with I can do it with A Broken Heart.
Except on this one, we got official video.
I’d also encourage you to go back and watch these music videos.
You will feel like you have deja vu.
The beginning is exactly the same in nearly all of these.
It’s like sped up stop motion.
Fans filling the stadium. This is a terrible picture.
But in the red music video,
we have this circle of her crew giving like,
hands in cheering just like she did.
And I can do it with A broken heart.
Sparks fly, stop motion of the stage being set up,
stop motion of the stadium filling with fans.
So this is not new by any means.
And more than that, Taylor has told us so many times that she is online
listening to what we say and trying to do what we are asking for.
That it in that interview where she was like,
I’m listening, I’m making the music video.
And I think this may be an example of her doing exactly that.
She has heard fans asking,
literally since day one of the era’s tour
for a behind the scenes documentary.
He has heard people yelling to the rooftops
that this is what they want to know.
They have questions about the logistics of this tour
that they want answered. Well,
I am not going to completely discount the fact that she may
Do a full documentary.
I think this also may be Taylor listening to her fans
and giving them what they are asking for.
This might be her saying, for every single tour,
I have made a summation video where I’ve used tour footage.
I’ve shown my fans. It’s been my love letter to them,
my thank you note to them for making this tour what it was.
And in this video,
because the fans have been asking for behind the scenes footage,
I’m gonna give them that behind the scenes footage.
And not only am I gonna give them behind the scenes footage,
I’m going to answer the exact questions they have.
I’m gonna show them where I land when I jump into the state.
I’m gonna show them what the inside of the cleaning cart looks like.
I’m gonna show them how I get from the front of the stage
to the back of the stage, and I’m gonna show them again.
So while this video definitely doesn’t come to a conclusive conclusion,
I personally
will be more than satisfied
if this is the peak behind the scenes that we get of the ERAS tour.
Because I really think it was Taylor listening to all of us
and doing her very best to deliver exactly what we asked for.