Optimizing Your Time: The Power of Strategic Time Blocks and Self-Awareness

Not all time slots are created equally.
And I think that we look at our schedule and we say okay,
I need 30 minutes tomorrow.
I need an hour to work on something.
So for me blocking 9 to 10 is so different than blocking 4 to 5.
It’s totally different. I’m gonna feel different in that moment.
I’m gonna produce different work.
One block can make such a difference in overall how you feel.
In control of all the things you have to do.
Cause you know,
okay Wednesday,
9 to 11, that is my chance.
I feel good.
You know, I’m ready to do all these things I need to.
And it can make a huge difference.
If you just notice those patterns about yourself.
Is your experience that most people
when you ask them about that
can self assess pretty quickly?
No. I think they can say things like
I’m not really a morning person
or I’m a bit of a night owl.
But it’s so fun to uncover it with people because
you know it can be as simple as okay,
just keep a little post it
and when you’re feeling your best
write down what time it is.
Some of the conditions. One woman I loved
she noticed it was like 10 to 1 everyday.
She would write down I’m feeling really focused,
well then when she was in the office
she was taking a break everyday at noon to eat lunch.
And she was like you know what,
Actually that’s,
like one of my best hours of the day.
And I’m just eating lunch.
So what if I shift some of my lunches to 1 PM.
And squeeze that extra hour out of my best time.
And that’s just such a small change and such a small thing.
She noticed but now she’s getting back like
three hours of the week of focus time just from shifting lunch
and knowing that about herself.