Pool Cleaning Guide: Tips and Tricks for Crystal Clear Water

I wanna show you exactly how we keep our pool clean.

Okay, step 1, this is for her maintenance. Like once a week or when your water starts looking cloudy or funny or anything, you want to vacuum out that or use your robot vacuum, whichever you have.

That kind of stuff there. All right.

Skimmer to pull it out. You can do this nightly or when you notice that has build up. We clean ours pretty often every day. So I would just clean all that out, make sure it’s clean, put this back in, check here, make sure you don’t have any large debris.

Okay, so the scammer.

Then you want to get some of these. This just test. You can get any brand, but just get test strips. This is how you’re gonna test your water. So you just take one strip out and you just dip it in the water. One, two, three, and then just gently shake it off. Just hold it here for 30 seconds again.

Then you just wanna compare. Actually, ours doesn’t even need a shock sheet. You have these square ones that are telling you that’s your ideal range should go there. First one right there. If the word spot on our second one, I’d say we’re at one. We could use a little boost, but I’m not gonna mess with it because it’s doing great. Thing is matching. We might be a tad here two alkaline, but that’s okay. It’ll come down with their corn serendic acid. It’s good. It’s not too high. It’s a little low, but I think it’s better it’s slow than too high. And then our pH is actually ideal. All of them are good.

Yeah, yeah, in the boxes. Now, if yours was off and you need to add more chlorine or you got like, how do you build up and stuff? I’m gonna show you guys what to do. So the first thing you wanna do is you’re gonna use this.

This is a shock that we use. Now you got to read it. This bag treats 13,000 gallons. Our pool is only 6,000. So I only use half the bag. That’s why I have hackus bag left if we got algae build up and our chemicals are off, I would take this and I’m gonna close it cuz I don’t want to sprinkle it. And I’m just gonna walk around the pool and sprinkle just like this. And just walk the whole distance of the pool, sprinkle in the entire half bag of shocks. This is what’s gonna keep your pool balanced whenever you shock your pool, you want to do it at night, don’t do it midday. Wait till it’s dark. Shock it overnight. That’s it’s gonna be the best. So the sun doesn’t counteract it. And then you just wanna take your skimmer, rush like this, stir in the shock so that it doesn’t settle to the bottom.

Minute starts moving and dissolving. So you just wanna, sorry, move it around or I don’t know, 10 minutes, five, 10 minutes, whatever your arm can handle. Then you wanna run your phone here. Oh, so you’ll turn it on and then you just let it run for like 8 hours. It’s gonna, if you have algae build up, it’ll kill all the algae. And then your pool’s gonna have like a like a different color if it’s killing stuff or it’s gonna clear up depending on if it’s just like a little bit cloudy and stuff.

After you do that, what I like to do is backwash to get rid of any of the algae that it filtered up. So the way that ours is set up, I’m gonna move ours to cut off and then I’m gonna open, this is our backwash hose a little bit. It’s gonna come out. It’s not a big deal. I have this adapter because I don’t want it to just wash out here. If you don’t care, you can just wash it out here. I’m gonna attach my adapter because I wanna run the hose down to the drainage area. That should be good. And you need to clean this basket out. So some of it’s obviously gonna spill out cuz it’s trapped in this hose here. But you just unscrew it, make sure you’re unclosed here so it doesn’t backflow. And then you just want to take this out, see how it traps all that stuff. And then if you have anything big in here, I just kind of pull it out too. So you want to make sure you put it in so that it goes down flush. Make sure your gasket is really well in there, then put your lid back on and then secure this on tight. Now we’re gonna backwash. So I’m gonna set it to this mode right here. And that’s your backwash. That’s backwash. Okay. And then I’m gonna turn it on and all the green nasty water should start flowing out.

And you just wait till it goes clear. Just tell me when it goes clear. This is just cleaning all your sand. And you want to do this like once a week or when your water side’s looking weird. Looks pretty good. Okay.

And then now that it’s clear, turn your pump off and now we’re gonna set it to the rinse function right here. You see the little water? And that’s gonna make sure you don’t shoot any nasty gunk back into your pool. So put it on our ants. Now we’re gonna turn it on again, gonna start flowing out. And now when that’s clear, we’ll circulate our pool again. It’s clear. Okay, now turn your pump off.

Now I’m gonna set mine to close so I can put all this stuff up again. Then put your cap back on. Make sure you seal this back up. This might not be filled up with water. In order to get the air out of the hoses here. You just kind of unscrew it just barely enough so that it starts leaking and then screw it back. If someone knows a better way to do that, please let me know. But that’s how I get the air out. And now you’re gonna set it to your play button or your filter button. And now run it and your water will be clear and clean from the filter.

That’s it. Is it maintenance? That’s pretty easy. And how often.

You gotta check your level? See, like, I thought I was gonna need to shock today because we’ve been using it a lot, but our levels are good. So you wanna go off test your pool. Don’t just throw stuff in there. Get test strips. Some people take it to the pool store. I’m too lazy for that. So I got test strips. These work great for us. As you can see, the pool is really clear. So I just test my levels. And anytime these kind of start getting out of whack, I’ll shock my pool. This is also a good time to check your floater.

We have a cool little Ducky floater SCR. They’re pretty low because I don’t like to have to unscrew this every day. I’m just gonna go ahead and throw two new tabs in there. We just use the tablets. So members, Mark from Sam’s. Yeah, we just got the big one because I just didn’t wanna have to go back for it. May even tell you the steps there. Yeah, at least our floater tells us right here how many gallons. So I have our set for about 10,000 gallons because that’s close as it can get and it’s been doing fine. So you want to set a towel over big or you want a smaller floater if you have a smaller pool. So I try not to touch these to them. If your water was like cloudy or something was going on with your water, we use these and this keeps our water really clear. It just helps with the pH and alkalinity. We don’t need to add one, but I just throw mine in the floater. It dissolves in like 15 minutes. And it literally says you can add them together. Some people say you’re not supposed to, but we have and it’s fine. You just throw one in. There are 3 inch tablets as well, basically just baking soda. You know, this makes it easier. So now we have two new tablets in there. I won’t have to worry about this. Just put my ducky back in and I’ll send them off to ashrab. And those tablets, if your pool is doing well, they last.

This has been two weeks since I had to add tablets. So this is all we’re using to balance our pool. A little bit of clear balance. This is the shock that we use. And then test your cool. And then these are just kind of maintenance. You just float around and make sure chlorine lip levels stay good, and then this is really what kind of keeps your pool imbalance. So.

All this was $70. Yeah, so it’s definitely not $100.

A month. I’d say if you do it properly, you’re probably, it’s probably gonna run you about 30,40 bucks a month. These are inexpensive in general, especially if you have a smaller pool. As always.

Follow for more tools, tech diys and amazing deals. And then this is what it looks like in the morning. Put that Fountain Run all night with the skimmer, running backwash with the pump. When you get good, nice blue water.