Finding Your Perfect Car: A 23-Year-Old’s Journey to Car Ownership

Right, lads,
I have a question. This is gonna be the most basic,
generic question I’ve ever asked on the internet,
but where. Sorry,
this stops on me. Where does one start looking for a car?
Like, I’ve had my dad’s car now for the last three weeks
because either someone’s been away or just.
It’s just suited. So he’s back on Wednesday from Portugal,
and I literally won’t be able to function.
Like, I literally have been living in this car.
It’s been the best thing ever,
and I need my own car, but I’ve just been way too lazy to look.
Sorry, my hair looks really long.
Um. Like, I’m.
I’m in the position now to get a car,
but I just don’t know what I want,
where to go. Like,
do you go to a garage? Do you go to Dundee?
Do you. Do you buy a new car?
Like, I don’t know.
I’m 23, obviously,
so I’m kind of late to the driving game.
So everyone says, for your first car,
I’ll buy a piece of shit. I’m not buying a piece of shit,
because I’d rather buy something, like, new.
Not. Not brand new,
but something relatively new
so it’s not, like,
problems with it or anything.
And I also want a big car because I’m used to driving. His.
His is a Kia Sportage, I think,
so it’s, like,
quite chunky. And then my mom’s,
which is literally, like,
right there is a Jeep So I’m used to driving big cars
and to be honest,
I actually would love one of these cause I’m so used to it now.
But. Yeah.
Can someone tell me, like,
where do you look? I look like I’m naked.
Um, like,
I probably. I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
I’ll probably pay a chunk off it and then finance the rest,
cause that’s just where I’m at right now.
Um, so, yeah,
let me know. Where do I look? What should I guess?