Delicious Homemade Cinnamon Roll Recipe with Extra Toppings – Tyler’s 9.8 Rating!

Two cans of cinnamon rolls.
Okay. And you’re just going to line them in a greased 9 by 13 pan.
This is probably the best way to make cinnamon rolls,
right, Ken?
Uh, yes.
Everybody has loved this recipe.
Just gives a little bit extra
than you just put in cinnamon rolls in the oven.
Yeah. To cook.
Adds a little off to it. Yeah.
And we have one extra. Just say that to the side.
Okay, now we are going to take one cup of heavy whipping cream.
Just kind of pour it over them.
That’s like the perfect amount right there. Right?
Get all that goodness in there.
Okay, then we are going to take one stick of margarine
with a half a cup of brown sugar.
The lip plop on you.
A teaspoon of cinnamon. Okay.
One teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla.
Okay. And we’re going to whisk this together here.
Oh, you smell that cinnamon in there?
Oh, yeah, it smells good.
What is that? That’s part of the, um,
brown sugar that didn’t get broke up.
Oh, I was like,
is there a seed in there? No, no,
it’s just the brown sugar now.
now we’re just going to put this over them.
Save your ice, and it come with your cinnamon rolls.
You will use that at the end.
And we’re going to bake this for 35 minutes in a 350 degree oven.
There it is. My left hand.
Those Look good. Okay,
now you’re gonna take your icing
and we’re just gonna use one of them instead of two.
If you want more icing on one particular one,
they’re still warm, so your icing will.
Now Kim’s doing the maze technique.
Say this one might get a little bit more warm.
Here it is.
And are you gonna spread it or you just gonna leave it as it is? What?
Whatever you’d like to do.
I think if you spread it, it look.
It look better. You don’t spread it with the paper, though.
We’ll just get Tyler trying one and see what he thinks.
I’m taking one with the most icing on it.
We gotta get some of that juice.
Oh, yeah,
get some of that juice in there.
Oh, Tyler. Ready for this?
This is. This is right up Tyler Valley.
Like a 9.8. 9.8, y’all