Insights on Managing a TikTok Shop and Amazon Influencer Account: A Comprehensive Guide

do the other one
what I’ve Learned since starting to do TikTok Shop on my other channel
is that a ton of their products are on Amazon as well
the approval process for Amazon influencers a little different than TikTok Shop
because you have to get approved for on site commissions
and you have to submit those first three videos
if you need help with that
I have a guide in the link in my profile that’ll walk you through that
but all of these products are on both platforms
and I think to do TikTok shop
you have to have 5,000 followers
but with Amazon Influencer
you don’t have to have a certain amount of followers
so they each kind of have their own different things
but if you’re already creating content
you might as well do both of them because you can get double commissions
and like I said if you want more help with the influencer program
there’s a guide in the link in my profile
I’ve been in the Amazon Influencer program for
I don’t know year and a half maybe
um I just started TikTok affiliate not too long ago
but I have a whole gotta put together that
I hope you get approved and get approved for on site commissions
and if you have any questions
just drop them in the comments I’ll try to help