Magic and Mums: A Fall Porch Decorating Adventure

Welcome back to another episode of Get Done
with Me at the work as a mom.
It’s part two of the fall porch decor.
Every single one of these dinky candles needs batteries,
and so does the magic wand,
duh. And, yes,
those are floating magic candles with a magic wand
that I am absolutely gonna hang from my ceiling.
There’s more.
Who wouldn’t want magic floating candles hanging from their ceiling?
I made it all the way to the last candle and then ran out of batteries.
And the internet is so worried about my mum’s,
but I’m so unbothered that I’m just gonna sit here and water them.
The outfit change means it’s day two of decorating my front porch,
and I’m gonna crack open a witches brew and get started.
I decided that the original rays I hung,
we’re not gonna work, so I got some bigger ones.
Also picked up some more batteries for those,
you know, missing batteries.
I didn’t have a lot to go,
and let me tell you,
I grossly underestimated how long this would take me,
and I was sweating bullets.
It was every bit of 90 degrees out,
but thank goodness this porch is in the shade.
I tell you that these hanging lights were absolutely atrocious to hang.
I mean, I’ve.
Hours later, literally had to thread every single one by hand.
Oh, and I’m sure you thought I had enough mums,
but I absolutely did not. I had to Go pick up two more from Costco.
And thankfully, they had some left.
I just cannot wait until these are in full bloom.
Okay, back to the candles.
I can do this. I swear to you.
These candles better be the cutest on earth.
My kids better love the magic.
Now I have to hang all the candles on the ceiling.
Come back for part 3, the final reveal. Okay,
love you. Bye.