Slow Dance: A Journey of Love, Friendship, and Healing

Have you ever read a book that feels like a long,
comforting hug?
That’s exactly what slow dance by Rainbow Rowell feels like.
This story is perfect
for those of us who love getting attached to characters.
I feel as if we know them personally.
I love and Carrie are just that kind of duo.
You’ll find yourself rooting for them,
feeling their pain, their joy,
their love. They’re like those old friends that you’ve known forever.
I love and Carrie’s journey is far from perfect.
It’s messy, it’s real,
it’s raw, it’s vulnerable.
So beautifully flawed. They were best friends in high school,
but life took them in different directions.
And now, at 33,
they’re finding their way back to each other,
with a lot of bumps along the way,
hoping that they can heal their past
and find their way back to each other.
Reading this book made me laugh,
cry, and think about my own life decision.
It’s one of those stories that lingers with you long after you close
that last page. If you’ve read Rainbow Rowell before,
you know that she brings absolute magic to her stories.
But if you’re new to her, like I was before this book,
you will fall in love with Carrie and Shiloh just like I did.
If you’re someone who loves a good cry
or characters that feel like real people,
then this story is for you.