Makeup Madness: Testing the Longevity of One Size Beauty, Morphe, and Half Magic Dewy Setting Sprays in a Rain Scene Music Video

hi guys I’m shooting a music video
I did my makeup and I used the one size beauty setting spray
the Morphe Continuous Setting Spray and the Half Magic Dewy setting spray
we’re about to do a rain scene
so my face is gonna be drenched
we’re gonna see how well this makeup holds up for real
influencer by day singer by night
let’s do it no
just it’s coming you gotta let it
um hi
this is me immediately after um
I’m not gonna touch my face
i’mma let it air dry and then we really gonna see
but the makeup is still there
my hair was whipping and slapping on my face so
but none of the makeup is running
it’s not running down my neck and making drip marks
alright guys it’s been about 20 minutes
I let my face air dry and my eyebrows are significantly lighter
my Urban Decay Sparkle Lithium Shadow that was up top here
is now sparkling at the bottom
but hello the full face is still on
don’t lie the concealer
this is Mac come on
the foundation makeup by Mario
come on I still got on full face of makeup
no filter no blur
no nothing so maybe they work
bye guys and make sure you go listen to my new EP and watch the video bye