Title: The Perils of Prioritizing Partying Over Progress

Is somebody smoking right now
and they not even where they wanna be at in life,
but they gonna make sure they do whatever they do,
got to smoke, but they ain’t gonna do what they gotta do to make it.
They wanna. They wanna smoke all day,
every day. They don’t wanna do nothing but smoke all day,
every day. They wanna drink,
they wanna go to the club,
they wanna smoke, they wanna drink.
Hey, boy,
let go to the club, bro.
You know what I’m saying? Let’s.
Let’s go in on a bottle, bro.
Let’s go in on a. No,
I don’t. It’s lame.
That’s lame.
People depend on weed more than they depend on their career.
That’s the issue with you right now, bro.
I’m talking to you. Yeah,
you high as hell right now
watching my video. What are you high for, bro?
You don’t deserve that right now.
You need to get in the gym,
get in the work. But, bro,
if you smoke and drink every single day,
every single night, all week,
24 7, bro, you are lame.
But I want to go snowboarding.
But I want to go ATV. Four 4 Wheeler, Ryan,
you know, I don’t care.
I don’t care. I go horseback riding, bro,
before I go to.
Before I go to the club every single weekend for the rest of my life,