Crispy Air Fryer Chicken Wings with Homemade Ranch: A Summer Delight

So with summer here and the temperature soaring, I could not bring myself to open up the oven and cook a meal. So I’m going to show you how I make my air fryer wing. Nice. Let’s go start with a sanitized counter and some chicken. I like to get the ones that are already cut up. You may have to minimally go in there, you know, and cut some cartilage and stuff like that. But for the most part, pretty easy.

I like to put my prep chicken in a gallon bag. This will allow for me to add the oil and the seasonings before throwing it in the airframe. Here’s the seasoning that I will be using. I like to add a little onion powder, but unfortunately, I’m out. That seems to be how things go for me sometimes. So we’ll make it with just the kinders and it’s great.

3. And I always season till, you know, my heart is happy. I’m a Russian woman. My grandma taught me how to cook with a lot of seeds for me. Kind of mush it up, mix it together, should look like that. We’re gonna open our air fryer and poop those in there. I really like how nice and even coated the seasonings are for the chicken is, I should say. And I’m gonna put that for 14 minutes, 400 degrees. And we want to really cook him at an end kernel temp of 165. I like mine crispy, so sometimes I overcook them a little bit every so often. And I’ll open it up and, you know, move them around. So let’s cook another spot. It’s not just cooking in one place.

While my wings are cooking, I generally like to prep my homemade ranch sauce. Ever since I started doing it myself, I have never bought a prepaid range for anything. And it is literally three single ingredients. You got 1 cup of Mayo, one package of the restaurant style dressing and 1 cup of whole buttermilk. Mix together and it stays good for, you know, whatever date is on that bottle generally, as long as it’s not contaminated in, they’re just about there.

But I like mine a little on the crispier side. So I’m gonna let them go for about five minutes longer. That is exactly what I’m looking for Ruby on in the next step. I like to put my wings in like a metal bowl of some kind and I’ll put them in there with the sauce swirling around. Oh, I can’t wait to try one. Let’s make that happen. So I like to normally eat this with either a salad or some fries or both, depending on how hungry I’m feeling. Fits night tonight, I’m just feeling these wings. Oh, in this range, it’s gonna 5.

I think I just got wing sauce in my hair. But it is all worth it, y’all. Best, easiest wings to make. Promise you won’t be disappointed.