Ngie’s Fun Jelly Bean Flavor Taste Challenge Adventure

Hey, everyone, Ngie here. NK is the 12 Forever 2000 and I am here to try out to give a kind of hilly beans or the try the crispy cream donut and the Snap Apple No. 1 donut. If I can open it. See? Okay, sounds really good. Okay, so there’s a lot of possibility me. So there’s cinnamon apple filled, strawberry ice glaze, blueberry cake, original glazed classic, and the chocolate ice with sprinkles. Anything with sprinkles. Wow, I love it. All right, so we’re just gonna choose a random one. I don’t know what this one is, but we’re gonna try it out. Alright, here we go. 3,2,1.

Oh, what’s the blueberry one? Okay, okay, not bad. Alright, let’s try another one. Oh, no, is this the same one? Let’s try.

Oh, okay. So cinnamon apple fill going is not bad. Alright, we’re gonna try one more. Something ever, please give me something. Surprised? I already do that one.

Oh, oh, okay. I think this is the one with the chocolate iced, which sprinkles. So we go.

Delicious. But bag in No. 2. I don’t know how open a bag.

All right. So we got five different flavors for this. The snap apples. Now, I love snap apples. I really do. So if you guys have like a flavor, but I should try out next, let me know. Okay, so we have five different options for Punch, Mango Madness, Cranberry, Raspberry, Pink Lemonade or Kaylee Strawberry. Okay, let’s see how this goes. Alright, right. Where am I get again? Where am I get again?

Where is this one avenue is the cranberry raspberry. So it’s try this out. Oh, okay. I like that. Perfect. Very chaste in there. Okay, I really love this. Alright, let’s try another runner. Give me one that I would actually like for. Oh, alright. Like orange mango madness. Right? Here we go. No people. What?

Okay. That is really big. Go. Okay. All right. That’s pretty good. All right. What’s your one more? 3,2,1. I don’t know what this one is. I think this is pink lemonade. Okay, let’s try this off. Now, I like pink lemonade better than the lemonade juice. I mean, that’s just me. So maybe I’ll like the pink lemonade. So let’s see how this goes.

All right. It tastes exactly like pink lemonade juice. So, all right, guys, that’s the jelly bean flavor taste challenge. So I feel what you guys want me to do next. So yeah, it’s very clear. Bye.