Fall Decorating Adventures: Saving up for a Hobby Lobby Haul

So fall is right around the corner,
and so it’s my favorite season,
which means that we need to decorate.
So yesterday, we went to Hobby Lobby for the first time,
and, Omg,
it was like a Michaels on steroids times three.
But anyways, they have so many fall decorations,
Christmas decoration. It was just insane.
Um, I was so tempted to start buying,
but then I was like, wait a minute.
Self discipline. We can save for this and then come back.
So that’s what I’m doing for the next couple of weeks.
It’s just putting money into this sweater weather envelope
until I hit the goal of $300.
Once I hit the goal,
then we’ll go back to Hobby Lobby and buy a couple of things.
But, yes,
see you guys later. Adios.