Rescued Beauty: Training a Prunus Nigra into a Breathtaking Bonsai

Hello growers. This is my uh,
Prunus nigra. It is an absolutely beautiful,
beautiful plant. It is basically a prunus,
a cherry blossom if you like,
but it’s got this really beautiful red er,
foliage on it. It is absolutely beautiful in the spring.
It looks like a proper cherry blossom.
It is absolutely phenomenal.
But I found this uh, in a bin.
Somebody was chucking this away and I asked them if I can have it
and then. And I took it and I’m training it now into a bonsai.
I acquired this about 7 months ago and it looks really good.
I’ve been doing bits and bobs to it to grow,
but today I am gonna prune it to um,
to continue training it like a bonsai.
It is taking on a shape which I like
and it’s looking absolutely fantastic.
It’s grown quite a lot in the last seven months or so
and it’s looking really good.
At first I wasn’t sure if it was gonna survive
cause it was in bad shape,
but yeah, it’s coming up really nicely.
All this is new foliage. So I’m just gonna prune it down to continue, uh,
training it as a bonsai. Beautiful,
beautiful uh, plant.
And it is absolutely gorgeous in the spring.
So here it is right now. It doesn’t look like much right now,
I can see it’s coming up according to the shape that I wanted to grow.
This gap here, it will start To fill up as time goes.
I want to make it as natural as I possibly can.
Not too bad for a tree. Which I found, uh,
somebody chucking away. It’s doing really well, so there we go.