Title: An Explosive Breakup Drama Unfolds: A Tale of Toxicity and Betrayal

Yeah, i’mma.
I’mma break up with her tonight, though.
You’re gonna what? Yeah.
Who’s that? What?
You’re gonna what?
I’m. Do you not see me on the phone?
You’re gonna what? Who is that?
You need to stop, right?
Do you want him? Come get him.
He’s on the car about one.
Come get him.
What the fuck? What’s wrong with you? Give me my shit back!
Who you breaking up with? We have neighbors.
Your neighbors can come have your ass.
Who you breaking up with? Let me break you up with.
Do it now. How the balls are doing it now.
What is wrong with you? Why are you playing games?
Be grown. I am.
I’m a grown ass man with your 5 foot 7 ass.
You acting like a toxica right now.
You wild for that? Maybe keep your finger out my face.
You’re always on some type of shit.
You’re being hella toxica, okay?
You need.
Don’t you tell me I’m being toxic
when you’re over here saying that
you’re gonna freaking break up with me.
Let go! Who’s. Aah!
What the fuck? Aah!
Yo, what the fuck?
You think that you’re. You’re gonna play a game with me?
Break up with me. See what happens.
See who thrives after this?
She. Look,
not everything’s about you, homie.
Maybe I’m not gonna break up with you.
Who are you gonna break up with, then?
That means there’s someone else.
Then you can go and be with Them? Chill. Why?
Cause I. I don’t need you.
I don’t need you. You wanna be playing with.
Be with somebody else. They can have you
take your steps. So with them too.
Cause I bet you they’re taller than you.