Twitter Crush Drama: Navigating Relationships and Morals in the Virtual World

So I met a basketball player on Twitter
and he’s someone I’ve been crushing on for years
I dmed him on a humbug years ago.
I don’t know what that is.
What does that mean? Is that is that like a site?
Does that like mean on a win or something?
I don’t know on a humbug
I like the word though years ago and he finally responded
but this time he was in a relationship
uh oh, I continued with the conversation because hello,
he’s my crush and my morals went out the window long story short,
we hooked up a few times,
stayed in contact and I’m head over heels for this man
I found out he’s also messing with another woman and she’s pregnant
should I ruin his life and tell the wife or should I stay in my place
girl, you wanted the size what is you huh?
Stay in your place you knew what it was
now you got your feelings hurt
because he’s doing to you what he was doing to his original woman
with you so now you wanna mess it up
stay in your place,
sit down and eat your food because guess what?
You gonna blow up the spot
the wife and him gonna stay together and you gonna feel like Boohoo
the fool like you should have felt from day one when you started this
with this me
and then he’s not gonna f with you anymore and that’s Good.
Cause he’s married.