Maximizing TikTok Revenue for Love Island Cast Members

Okay, this video is for everybody on the cast of Love Island.
I wanna let all y’all know
that you can make a lot of money on TikTok right now
by posting videos that are over a minute long.
Because you guys are getting a bunch of views right now
and um, a lot of people are very interested in what you have to say.
you’ll probably have a high number of people stay for a minute long
to watch your videos
and hear whatever the heck it is you’re talking about.
But, um,
if you wanna make some money right now,
I bet you guys can make a lot of money right now.
So you guys should totally do that.
Um, and yeah, that’s.
I just want to put that out there.
I’m not saying no one broke or anything.
I’m just saying, like,
I’m just trying to let you know, uh,
that you could do that. And also
it’s gonna help build a really strong connection with your followers
and help them get to know you even more
even though that they already know you from reality television.
But um,
we’ll get people invested in your off TV film life as well, um,
to help continue and sustain the audience that um,
you gained. And will be a great way to make some money
and you’ll probably make a whole lot of it.
Okay. That’s my two cents.
Love you guys. Awesome. Haha.