Unboxing the Gift of Discipleship: A Review of The Forge’s Christian Movie Package

Guys, I’m super excited.
The forge just sent me an amazing package.
If you guys haven’t seen this movie,
I suggest you do. It’s a Christian movie about discipleship and really,
the ins and outs of the church family.
It’s, uh,
it’s wonderful. You can get your tickets in this link right here.
But they were so kind enough to send me a beautiful care package,
and I haven’t opened it. Well,
I kind of took a little peek really,
really quick, but I kind of wanted it to be super genuine,
so I waited. Okay,
so here we go. So,
here we go.
Okay, let’s see.
So it comes beautifully. Comes with, like,
a bunch of goodies.
They sent a little letter being super thankful,
and I would read it to you,
but it’s cute and personal.
They sent me this awesome notebook,
and if you know me, I love notebooks, and, uh,
it’s super, super cute.
You get to, you know,
write down your thoughts with the Lord with the little pen.
That’s so nice. Whoa, what’s this?
So these are, like,
Little Silver coins.
You can put them, like,
in your wallet. Oh,
they sent me some books. Man,
I love books. Okay,
this one is called devoted to Jesus,
from the makers of the forge and War Room.
And the table of contents tells you everything.
foundations, growth, identity.
Oh, wow.
Scripture, church prayer, surrender.
Wow, that’s awesome.
Oh, my gosh.
There’s more stuff. Some sticky Notes.
Oh, look,
you have your little office job.
You can, you know.
Thank you, guys.
Thank you, guys.
Let’s see.
I love the fact that everything is around making disciples and.
And as Christians, that’s our calling.
That’s what the Lord asked us to do,
you know? So this is beautiful.
They basically gave me, like,
cards that I can write to people and little envelopes.
That’s so sweet. So,
so sweet. Whoa.
Okay, now this I’m really excited about.
This is a pin for, like,
your tie or even, like,
a book bag or. Oh, wow.
This is sweet. I actually love this.
And I think this is the last.
The last yumminess. I surrender all.
Hey, man.
Inspired by the themes of the feature film The Force.
I’m telling you, this movie, man,
this movie is super, super special.
If you’ve been walking with the Lord for decades,
or even if you’re brand new,
I suggest you watch this movie.
It’s gonna tug at the heartstrings that you got in there.
And so super thankful. Thank you,
the forge. Thank you, Sony, uh,
for being super kind to me, uh,
showing me so much love. And, man,
what a wonderful, wonderful movie.
It came out today.
Check this out. Boom.
Came out today. So click this link,
get your tickets. Um, it’s amazing.