Battling Demons: A Story of Struggles in Gaming and Self-Reflection

Nikki! Nikki!
God damn it! Wait, no,
he’s hit on me, bro! He’s in there like.
Oh, god!
Get him out!
Get him out! Get him out!
Get him out! Get him out!
Get him out!
Yo, that was so bad.
I should drop me, bro.
I’ll hold you guys back.
You guys could have won a lot more tournaments if I wasn’t there.
And you know what I’m saying?
Like, maybe my game sense isn’t as good as it used to be,
and my aim has always sucked.
I call every time, bro.
It doesn’t mean anything. I call, bro.
Lock in. I’m gonna lose, bro. It doesn’t.
And then I just get battered.
I’m off, bro. I fuck all this shit.
This is why you shouldn’t drink.