Uncovering the Intricate Web of Zionism and American Society: A Deep Dive into Its Impact and Influence

Wait, what? I’m sorry. Are you making this statement over a woman attempting to murder a 3 and 6 year old by drowning them in a cool? That’s your takeaway? That is your takeaway. Has fellow kid also where in that segment, that new segment, that’s a public new segment, right? That that that was playing okay. Where in that new segment did you hear that there was that mother was doing anything besides her trying to be a human being and a regular old average human living their life.

She took her children to the pool. She was interacting with her children, speaking a foreign language. The Zionist woman asked her where she was from. She said Palestine. That’s it. Like. And then all of a sudden, time goes by. I guess the woman gets up, gets in the pool and attempts to drown a three year old and a six year old. And that is. Jessica, that’s your takeaway.

Jessica. Jessica, Jack. Jessica, are you one of those type of people who are probably standing around when they were tar and feathering black people, are you one of those people? You like sitting there eating your barbecue, your picnics, you know, just having a time, enjoying it. Were you one of those people? Like, I just feel like you’re kind of one of those people that, like back when the Catholics and the Protestants were fighting and then they would bat wing each other like they were just doing bat wing it like. Were you one of the ones just sitting around like, yeah, like this is a regular old day. Like Lottie Da Da, Lottie Dot dot, you’re okay with murdering children on American Song. You’re not even like your takeaway is take your war over there.

Excuse me, the Zionist, right. That Zionist woman brought the war to United States of America. Do you get me saying, do you understand the government of the United States of America chose to allow Zionist, okay. Go back and read the governmental documentation on how the Zionist, okay, especially Israeli Zionists, because you can be any religion or race or Creed, right? You could you be anyone to be a Zionist. Okay? So we’re not talking about Jews. We love Jews. In fact, there’s the majority of Jews are on the side, on the right side of history. Right? So we’re talking about people who don’t even think you have a right to exist and live. In fact, if I’m not mistaking, okay, they believe that you’re a slave to them because they’re God’s gift to the yours. And I’m not talking like, like, and when I’m talking about the particular Zionist that I’m talking about, or like the Jewish Zionist, and I don’t mean like the all Jews say that. And you know, like, and of course not all Zionists say that, but like the ones that like, I’m only assuming you’re supporting, okay, believe that even you, okay, even you don’t have a right to exist. Go look it up. You don’t have to believe anything I’m saying out of my mouth, okay? Because I don’t want you to believe me. I want you to pro try to prove me wrong. I want you to go do your homework. I want you to go read their documentation. Don’t just take anything off of Google. Okay? Go to harettes. Read what Harette says. Okay? What they, what the Zionist people say about people like you, okay? They don’t like you. You know why? Because you people were the ones who were mass unalive in them. He was, you guys are mass on 11 because you believe that they killed Jesus or your people said, right, at some point. And if you’re not from that lineage, then apologize to you and I miss miss, you know, misspoke. Okay, but I would love you to go do your homework.

Go on the federal websites, go read the documentation on Zionism, go read all of the articles that were even in the 1930s and the 1940s when they talked about Zionism right here in the United States of America. When Kennedy rejected, did not want them to take over, like there were so many presidents who are fighting against them. You know, they brought the war to America and you don’t understand it. You’re not seeming to understand. A sweetheart. They own everything. Zionists own everything. If you don’t believe, please go do your research. You don’t have to believe me. I don’t want you to believe me. I want you to go and do it. Do your own homework and then come back and prove me wrong. Every single company, corporation owned by Zionist banks, Zionist, they’re all everything, your food, your water, your access to water, your access to anything. They own it. They own you, sweetheart. They own you. They even brag about it. They brag about it all day long, how they own. You won’t take that laying down as an American cuz I don’t know about you, but as an American, as a person who comes from a long lineage of people have been fighting in the.

Who? I’m fighting in militaries. Who? At United States military. Okay. Military background. Yeah, we don’t like that. We don’t, we’re not about that life. Also, Han Ju, just just to say, okay, our military has been suffering for how long? Do you know how many homeless military people we have on the streets? They can’t even get proper healthcare. In fact, we’ve been fighting for proper healthcare for 30 years or more, okay? And they just now starting to give a little bit, just a little bit more. Did you know that? Did you know how many homeless military and servicemen and women are out here? There are so many military men and women, service families who are poor, can’t even afford clothes to put on. They go, they have to go to a food pantry, food. But they’re serving our country. But they’re serving our country. I. But we’re giving billions of dollars to Israeli designers, to Israel. You’re not tired. You, they brought the fight here. They brought it here because they want to take over here. Okay. Well, actually, technically they’re all one now. They’re all one noun, same people.

But anyways, don’t believe me. Please don’t believe me. I want you not to. I want you to go do your research to prove me wrong. That’s it. You know, love, hugs and kisses. Wish you all greatness and prosperity provided on digging holes of harm for others to fall into. Okay, then that is undeserve. That’s undeserve, of course. But if you do, you know, if you are, then may you fall into it instead. Okay, but otherwise, I wish you greatness. May.