Four Essential Exercises for Older Adults: Therapist-Recommended Moves for Mobility and Strength

Four important exercises for older adults recommended by therapists.
No. 1, walking in a square.
You can do this around a chair for safety.
This helps maintain the ability to navigate in all planes of motion.
We’re practicing walking forward and back and laterally,
left and right. This helps improve proprioception and coordination,
not to mention keeping those lower body muscles nice and active.
2, sitting and standing,
a move that’s done every single day,
multiple times a day.
You can use a chair with armrests if you need some assistance.
And if this movement pattern is already difficult,
there are multiple exercises you can do to rebuild this ability.
3, balance.
We’re gonna keep it simple.
We’re keeping a chair next to us,
holding onto it and lifting one leg,
balancing for as long as we can,
letting go of the chair whenever we can
and holding back onto it whenever we feel wobbly.
4, an important exercise for circulation
and to awaken dormant muscles in our hamstrings
and mobilizing our knees.
Really important if we’re starting to live a sedentary lifestyle.