5 Top Categories for Selling on Amazon: Books, DVDs, Board Games, Electronics, and Tools

in the last year alone I’ve sold over $700,000 on Amazon
and in today’s video
I’m gonna share the top five categories that I sell in my Amazon business
by no surprise number one is books
if you watch my content you know that I love to sell books
product number two is good old DVDs
while most people think there’s no market for DVDs
because they’re a bit outdated
I sell a ton and they’re very high profit
product number three is board games
I love flipping board games
I typically sell them as new because if you sell them as used
you have to count all the pieces and it’s a lot of work
product No. 4 is electronics
now beware of electronics
the return rates can be high
but if you find a good replenishable electronic
you can make a lot of money over and over again
product No. 5 is tools now
tools are a bit advanced you’re gonna need to get ungated
if you are ungated tools sell very fast
and again the profits are very high
if you like this video like and follow for more
and if you wanna learn how to sell on Amazon
comment the word books down below