Black Myth Wukong: A Brutal and Unforgiving Experience – A Player’s Raw Perspective

Whoever said that black Myth Wukong is an easy game?
So honestly, shut the fuck up.
If you are here saying that this game is god of war,
this game is Devil may cry, Bayonetta,
whatever the case may be. Calling it a hacker slash,
honestly you should just shut the fuck up.
This game is not fucking easy.
This game is just as brutal as hard.
Like them damn souls game.
Alright motherfucker at the amen.
This game is linear bull.
I meant chapter 2. I’m already summoned in a big ass area,
so there’s no linearity whatsoever.
I go to this one spot, I see a dead end,
I say, okay,
you know what? This is cool,
let’s go forward. I go past this one spot,
I’m like oh,
there’s more pathways. I go fight this one mother crouching tiger.
Bitch beat my fucking ass countless times.
I beat his ass, right?
And the next thing you know,
hey look, there’s a place right behind the fucking stone.
Let’s go over there and see what it’s about.
I go over there, I get my ass beat by this motherfucker on the bridge.
Knock my ass off the pillars more times than I can fucking count.
After I beat his ass, I go a little bit further,
guess what I see a big ass stone pillar looking motherfucker.
So he beat my ass, I beat his ass.
I’m like hey, okay.
Hopefully things will connect back where it needs To be. No,
there’s like a path on the left,
there’s a path on the right,
and I’m like, okay,
fuck it, let me go somewhere else.
This game is not fucking easy, bro.
This game is brutal and hard.
Ain’t no map. Not trying to complain about this shit,
cause I know y’all souls motherfuckers love that shit,
but whoever said this game is easy,
so honestly, shut the fuck fuck up.
I’ve been listening to people who only do impressions
after several hours of playing.
Listen to the people who actually played the game in its entirety
all the way to the fucking end.
Please do your fucking research before buying this game.
Please, for your fucking self.