Money Hungry Madden: A Call to Boycott the Latest Game Release

Dog, this game is cooked.
The game basically just came out a week ago,
and they’re already forcing 87 overalls,
86 overalls, 85 overalls down our throat.
And then they’re gonna make it $75 just to get these cards
when I just spent $75 to get the other cards.
And then they drop all these new guys
and even dropped a male blunt.
87 miles Garrett, 87.
Come on, dog.
I mean,
this is probably the most money hungry Madden that has ever came out.
Let’s just be real. It’s like they have no mercy for the kids.
It’s like they have no mercy for the people that are broke.
EA doesn’t care about us. I think it’s time to boycott this game.